Cahokia Heights Chamber Monthly Membership Meetings

Results simply don’t just appear. Members of the Cahokia Heights Chamber of Commerce (Cahokia Heights Chamber) share dreams and ideas that create results. The Cahokia Heights Chamber membership consists of businesses and individuals with visions and ideas that make dreams come true. Together, this adventure and sharing of dreams will result in growing and improving your business performance, operations, and exposure.

We can! and, We will!

Monthly membership meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 4:30 PM. This month – our meetings are presently held at the Cahokia Fitness Center, 509 Camp Jackson Road, Cahokia Heights, IL (near Falling Springs Road and Camp Jackson Road intersection). Discussion, ideas, updates, new events, etc. are shared as we network our businesses, talents, and abilities for each other.

Cahokia Heights Chamber of Commerce


Join us as we grow, build, and serve the Metro-East St. Louis area businesses and communities based in Cahokia Heights, Illinois  (Alorton, Centreville, and Cahokia communities). Here are some of the benefits by joining and participating in the Cahokia Heights Chamber of Commerce:

Networking: A proven investment of time and involvement that grows business and expands creativity. It’s learning and being informed, expanding your presence and name-branding, it’s about mentoring and being mentored; it’s about education, sharing ideas, discussing issues, resolving problems, and moral support. The Chamber provides regularly scheduled network opportunities througout the year. Montly membership meetings, annual events, semi-occassional activites all work towards keeing you and your business connected, informed, and known.

Advertising: It doesn’t cost — it pays! Use your Chambers website to feature the services and products of your business and as a connection source to the community. Be a Sponsor of the Chamber website, events, and special occassions to heighten the awareness of your products and services.

Education: Being educated on Federal, State, and local government policies and laws that regulate businesses and/or employers and employees is vital to insure you are protected by being compliant and maintaining compliancy. We share educational events offered by U.S. and Illinois Chambers and with other business supporting organizations including those offered by your Chamber.

Support: Ribbon-cutting/Grand-opening ceremonies and coordinating with local medai sources is offered to our membership. Why re-invent the wheel when many have successfully experienced milestones you will encounter as your business begins and continues to grow.

Sharing: Your opinions matter and can make all the difference. It ‘s important to voice your ideas and opinions. A diversity of input results in an informed and educated outcome. For instance, what do you want or expect from your Chamber website? Share your ideas and expectations and help make your Chamber’s website work, build, and unite for our mutual growth and development

Click here to join the Cahokia Heights Chamber of Commerce.