Secure Choice is a retirement savings program that travels with the worker. The General Assembly established the program as part of a larger retirement savings law to address the retirement savings crisis in our country. Too many people forgot, or were never taught, that Social Security was designed to supplement, not replace, personal savings.

Our approach has made us a national leader in this space. More than 130,000 Illinois workers have set aside more than $130 million through Secure Choice to date.

Workers are 15 times more likely to save for retirement if they can do so through payroll deductions, according to an AARP study. And there’s a need to save—23 percent of retirees rely upon Social Security for 90 percent of their retirement income.

Helping people make their lives a little bit easier is what we do. We help families invest early in their children’s lives so they can obtain the skills to go to college or learn a trade. We help people with below-market loans so they can expand a business or pursue a dream. We help workers across the state save for their retirement. The result: better jobs and stronger communities throughout our state.

Secure Choice will help people retire with dignity and confidence. While we cannot solve the nation’s retirement crisis on our own, we can be part of the solution in Illinois.

Check to see if you business qualifies. Some qualifications are: 5+ employees; been in business for 2 or more years; present do not have or offer a retirement savings plan.

Click here, Secure Choice, for more information.

Registration is easy. Employee Registration Deadline is November 1, 2023. To register, click this link to Secure Choice Registration.